OF GCP-2003

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The rector of Tambov state university professor Yuriev V.M. welcomes participants of conference
The pro-rector of Tambov state university on science professor Boldyrev N.N. reads to a greeting of the minister of education of Russian Federation academician Filipov V.M. and a greeting of the rector of Moscow state university academician Sadovnichii V.A. to participants of conference
Chairman of the committee on science and innovative technologies of Tambov region administration professor Matveikon reads to the a greeting of the head of administration Betin O.I. to participants of conference
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The chairman of organizing committee of GCP-2003 professor Tikhomirov V.M. (Moscow)
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The report of professor Ioffe A.D. (Israel)
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The report of professor Osipenko K.Yu. (Moscow)
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The report of professor
Osmolovskii N.P. (Moscow)
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The report of professor Bulgakov A.I. (Tambov)
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The report of professor Tonkov E.L. (Izhevsk)
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The report of professor Dmitruk A.V. (Moscow)
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The report of docent Zhukovskii E.S. (Tambov)

Participants of conference listen to plenary reports

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Professors Tikhomirov V.M.
and Magaril-Il'yaev G.G. (Moscow)
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Professors Osipenko K.Yu (Moscow),
Dmitruk A.V. (Moscow), Bulgakov A.I. (Tambov)
and Vasilyev V.A. (Novosibirsk) (from right to left)
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Deputy chairman of organising committee professor Bulgakov A.I.
and academic secretary Zhukovskii E.S.
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Dr. Malinov V.G. (Orenburg) and professors
Shvedov A.S. (Moscow) and Vasilyev V.A. (Moscow)

(from left to right)
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Conference has caused the big interest of the mathematical public

An exchange of opinions during a break

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Professors Osmolovskii N.P., (Moscow)
Dmitruk A.V. (Moscow) and Vasilyev V.A. (Novosibirsk)
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The big interest has caused the stand on which copies of records from metric books of St. Barbara church of Tambov about Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov's birth and death of his mother Maria Yakovlevna Kolmogorova, photoes, archival materials were submitted

Participants of conference upon termination of solemn opening
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michurinsk.jpg - 33633 Bytes Participants of conference during excursion to Michurinsk
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